Tips to Work from Home with Kids
If staying productive during a pandemic isn’t enough of a challenge, many adults are now responsible for simultaneously caring for their children and working from home. We’ve gathered some advice to help you get through these tough times while preserving your sanity and fostering a healthy relationship with your little ones.
The first step to engaging with the youngsters is establishing clear communication guidelines. For example, talking loudly during playtime may acceptable and even encouraged but frowned upon during virtual meetings. Letting children know what is expected of them during certain times can ease your transition and spare you some headaches. It’s important to set boundaries.
Nevertheless, effective communication with children does not fit solely within house rules. Some children may not be fully aware of the health crisis the world is experiencing, and it may be difficult for them to understand why they are no longer allowed to go on play-dates with their friends. We are aware that parenting books may not have prepared you for the best ways to explain a pandemic to your children. Luckily, the Internet is full of helpful resources.
We all know that exercising is healthy, but aside from all its physical benefits, it can also help your home office activities. Think about it this way; if your children are physically exhausted, you’ll be able to enjoy a bit of peace for a while. Sure, it might be tempting to let your kids have some screen time, especially if your workload is stressing you out. However, exercising can serve as a physical and emotional outlet during this quarantine.
Since going out is not possible at the moment, let your kids’ imagination roam free with a routine from a popular princess movie or motivate them to become heroes. These types of activities will help your children release all the bottled-up energy accumulated due to confinement.
While nobody will judge if you fail to follow a perfect schedule, routine and activities to look forward to will provide a sense of structure to your family life. Planning allows kids to begin developing a sense of control over their time. After some trial and error, you can better decide what kind of schedule fits your work-life balance. For instance, extenuating play followed by a meal will likely improve your child’s disposition to take a nap. Try arranging your children’s nap time around the moments where you need to be most productive.
If you’re temporarily home-schooling, assign activities and adult-attention periods in between. Children may need more breaks from study than adults, so try to be flexible and reward these behaviors to enforce habits that will nurture their study discipline in the long run.
If you plan and reward a productive week with fun activities on weekends, your children will also have a smoother transition when they are ready to go back to school.
Provide Them with a Role in the House Chores
Because keeping a tidy house may be the last priority in your kid’s wondrous world; finding ways to engage infants in essential household responsibilities can prove to be a challenge. It’s important to show your little ones how their duties contribute to your whole family’s efforts and well-being. Keep them challenged, race them to see who finishes their chores faster, and try to make these moments as fun as possible. You shouldn’t necessarily provide tangible rewards to your kids for helping around the house, but you can reward their good disposition with attention and words of encouragement. If they feel their efforts are important and appreciated, they will be less reluctant to engage in not-so-fun responsibilities.
Rest and Enjoy
Being a full-time parent and working from home will likely deplete most of your energy. Remember to breathe and to be kind to yourself, even if things stray away from your original plans. Bear in mind that your children will not be this little forever, so take the time to cherish these moments and see how their personalities develop flourish. It’s okay if accidents happen, you’ll most likely be able to clean up afterward. If you are feeling overwhelmed, try to find the words that can let your children know that you need a break.
We know these are troubling times and we want to help you stay safe and healthy, that’s why InsureOne remains open and ready to serve you while you remain at home. Why not start a free home insurance quote online today? You can also call us and get the coverage you need.