Start Your New Year Off Right By Finally Getting Life Insurance

“New year, new me!” is something many people love to shout when a new year rolls around. But when the warm fuzzies of New Year’s Eve pass, many of us end up going back to our old ways and never really changing.
However, there is one way you can change your life for the better in the new year. And that’s by finally getting life insurance.
The new year is a not-so-subtle reminder that all of us are getting older. There is no better time than now to invest in life insurance to protect your spouse and children (or just your children if you are single), and we’re going to walk you through why it is a good idea.
Get Life Insurance While It Is Cheaper
Why did we have to go and mention the fact that you’re getting older? It’s simple: life insurance is cheaper when you are younger and only gets more expensive over time.
While there are different types of life insurance out there, you should take a serious look at term life insurance. That’s because you can effectively “lock-in” an affordable life insurance rate while you are relatively young and healthy. And it’s possible to keep that rate for a long period (typically up to 30 years), unlike with options such as universal life insurance.
If your New Year’s resolution involves getting life insurance, this will make sure that you and your family are effectively protected with affordable coverage for decades.
Peace Of Mind
Family is an important consideration when purchasing life insurance. That is because, in most cases, you are taking out the policy to make sure your family is protected.
If you and your partner both work, then the family income will be cut in half if you should unexpectedly pass away. And if you are the primary breadwinner in the family, then your death would leave your family unable to make house payments, pay for groceries, and maintain their quality of life.
Typically, couples kiss at midnight to affirm how much they love one another. And getting life insurance is the best way to take care of your partner and your children even after you have passed away.
A New Incentive To Get Healthy
No New Year’s Eve is complete without resolutions. While resolutions vary from person to person, they usually revolve around improving our lives in some way. And for many of us, that includes losing weight, exercising more, and generally eating in a much healthier manner.
But let’s get real: after a week or so, many of us return to our old ways. That is because outside of making a resolution to ourselves, there is no real incentive to change.
When you get life insurance, though, that is likely to change. Your weight and general health are factors when a life insurance company sets your initial premium. And if you lose some weight and keep it off for at least a year, you may be able to get your existing premium lowered.
In other words, life insurance provides a financial motivation to lose weight, eat right, and stay healthy. And that may be enough for these changes to stick.
Finally Quit Alcohol and Cigarettes
Getting life insurance may do more than help you exercise and lose weight. It may also be enough to help you finally kick cigarettes and alcohol.
That is because frequent drinking and any amount of smoking are enough to raise your life insurance premium. If you can kick these habits before getting coverage, you can get a lower rate. And even if you already have life insurance, kicking these habits may help you get a lower premium from your current carrier or better quotes if you shop around for a different insurance company.
Expect the Unexpected
Phrases like “you should always expect the unexpected” often seem trite and cliche. But if the last few years are any indication, none of us knows what the future will hold.
For example, many people were taken by surprise when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. And at this point, most of us know at least one person who died from this virus. And many who survive are left with debilitating health conditions that may reduce their overall lifespan.
Long story short? From car crashes to global pandemics, you never know what could suddenly take your life. While that can be scary to think about, locking in life insurance for a good, long time means you’ll be ready for whatever life throws at you.
Enjoy the Present
Another phrase that typically sounds cliche is “living in the now.” This simple phrase serves as a reminder that we need to take the time and enjoy our lives and the world around us. Many use the New Year to remind themselves to stop and smell the roses from time to time.
And you may be surprised by how much life insurance helps you get the most out of your day. That is because simply by purchasing life insurance, you are acknowledging that every day could be your last. This doesn’t have to discourage you. Instead, you can get the most out of each and every day by living like it could be your last.
Get Serious About Your Future
Getting life insurance coverage is a great way to start enjoying the present. And as an added bonus, it also helps you to focus on the future like never before.
When you’re younger, it’s easy to put off preparing for the future. It’s why young people often don’t worry too much about investments, buying a house, preparing a will, and so on.
For many people, buying life insurance helps them realize they need to prepare for the next few decades. And that preparation starts by protecting your family with life insurance. After you do so, you can take that energy and put it towards other long-term plans.
Don’t let the future just be something that happens to you. Instead, get the right life insurance coverage in the new year and create the future that you and your family deserve.
Get the Best Life Insurance Coverage Today
Now you know how life insurance can help you start the new year off right. But do you know who can help you find the life insurance you deserve?
At InsureOne, we are always ready for you to get a quote online. Alternatively, you can pick up the phone and give us a quick call at 800-836-2240. Feel free to come into one of our convenient nearby offices at your earliest convenience.